Product Care

- All pieces have been sealed, however do not get steel pieces wet as they can rust. Store pieces in plastic bags to keep moisture away. If rust occurs, use fine steel wool to remove it.
- Your jewelry should be the last thing you put on - always AFTER lotion, hairspray, makeup, etc.!
It is a good practice to not wear any jewelry in the shower or while washing your hands.
Avoid getting creams, gels, perfumes and oils directly on the jewelry.
Silver will tarnish naturally over time. I recommend sealing all silver jewelry in plastic bags when not in use to help combat the tarnishing process and prolong the original finish.
A soft polishing cloth will help keep the silver clean and bright. I recommend the Sunshine brand. Rub the silver ONLY, never the stones or steel.
Do not use liquid jewelry cleaning solutions, EVER – they are highly toxic and can damage the steel finish and stones, as well as your health!